Educational Purpose
The educational activities of TECHNODHARMIC INC. consist of presenting public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, or other similar programs.
IRS NTEE: U02, 80%
The educational activities of TECHNODHARMIC INC. consist of presenting public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, or other similar programs.
IRS NTEE: U02, 80%
New discoveries of science, new fields and opportunities for human action, the differing condition, character and wants of communities change and enlarge the scope of charity.
IRS NTEE: Q36, 20%
TECHNODHARMIC INC. joins with a counterpart group in a country to provide assistance for self-help projects designed to improve the living conditions of underprivileged people.
engage a person to work within the United States of America (USA).
Applicants abroad, or within the USA, can participate in a voluntary service program benefiting U.S. local communities, but they must establish that they are members of, and have a commitment to, TECHNODHARMIC INC., a nonprofit charitable organization. No salary or remuneration should be paid from a U.S. source, other than an allowance or other reimbursement for expenses incidental to the volunteers’ stay in the United States.
“TECHNODHARMIC INC. examines and evaluates acts of volunteers, selects volunteers for public recognition and awards who are determined to have made outstanding contributions and achievements in social, cultural, and technological areas (including commerce, communications, creative arts and crafts, education, finance, government, law, medicine and health, performing arts, religion, science, social services, sports and athletics, technology, and transportation).”
TECHNODHARMIC INC. furthers, encourages, and recognizes outstanding achievements and contributions of volunteers toward the progress and betterment of human endeavor and considers itself within the scope of IRS Rev. Rul. 66-146, 1966-1 C.B. 136.
In its broader meaning, charity is not so limited but also embraces any benevolent or philanthropic objective of TECHNODHARMIC INC. not prohibited by law or public policy which tends to advance the well-doing and wellbeing of man.